Gina Gaudio-Graves' & Directions University's Syndication Page

Gina Gaudio-Graves (GGG) is better known online as "The JV Queen" because of her many years experience brokering joint ventures for business owners online. 

Today, she is the Dean & Founder of both Directions University where she teaches entrepreneurs to build businesses that let them live the life of their dreams and through The JV University where she shows consultants and other business owners how to leverage their relationships by becoming Certified Joint Venture Facilitators/Consultants

Gina is also a speaker and infopreneur, having authored more than 18 different information products that share her 5 lucrative systems that every business needs to have. These include a mindset system, a relationship building system (which uses a WordPress blog to both drive traffic and to cnvert that traffic into sales), a leveraging system (that uses joint ventures to build subscriber lists, create products, drive traffic, and improve sales), a lead generation system (that uses a strategic approach to traffic generation in that traffic generation) , and a monetization system (that uses info products to generate leads for ANYTHING else the business offers -- whether its a service, physical product, digital product, or coaching program -- allowing the business to have a true "profit funnel" that causes sales to happen on autopilot)

For an overview of these products and the Directions University courses, click here.

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