"You're About To Discover The ONE Single Thing That Will Determine Whether You'll Be A Successful Business Owner Or Not!"


Gina Gaudio-Graves
Dean & Founder, Directions University,
"The JV Queen"

Join the DirectionsU Associate's Program and Get Your Ticket to the
"Mindset Systems Workshop 2"
(on Thursday, April 10th &
Friday, April 11th)

Jack Humphrey
Author, "Bending the Web"


Dear Entrepreneur:

Record numbers are turning to the internet to build businesses or to expand an offline business.  But for every entrepreneur that succeeds online, there are hundreds of thousands that don't make it. 

If you've been online for more than a day, you've probably heard countless so-called "Guru's" screaming things like "The Money's in the List!", "Anybody can make 7-figures online!", and even "You can make $1,000,000+ in your SLEEP (or at your kitchen table sitting in your underwear).

If you've tried any of the video courses, membership sites, ebooks, and other information products even once, you've probably already realized how NOT true these statements really are.

Reality looks a LOT more like...

You put up websites, only to find that no one ever finds them.
You create an ebooks and pour your heart and sould into it, agonizing over every word for months and months -- only to find that not a soul ever reads your words because no one ever finds your website!
You  hear that the money is in the list, but no one ever signs up for newsletter, your free report, or your free membership!
You're told that you can make millions online overnight, but months after you got started online, you still haven't been able to put even $10 into your bank account consistently every day for a week!

If you've been feeling like having a successful business is just a hopeless dream, then this will probably be THE most important message you'll ever reader!

Let me introduce myself...

I am Gina Gaudio-Graves, the Dean & Founder of DirectionsU where we help entrepreneurs get direction for their life & business, we show them how to give direction to their prospects and customers, and in the end, guide them to impact the direction of the world!

The "What If's" above are all examples of the kinds of stories that I hear from Students every day of every week.

As our graduates know, though, it is NOT hopeless at all!  In fact, anyone can build a successful business online!  All it takes is two things ...

KEY INGREDIENT #1:  A Strategic Action Plan!

KEY INGREDIENT #2:  Action!  Not just any action, though.  But -- the RIGHT ACTION!

When you have these two KEY ingredients, EVERY business will be successful online!

If you've been online for more than a day, you've probably already picked up tons of info products that teach you things like ...

  • How to Build a List

  • How to Drive Traffic to Your Site

  • How to Set Up a Blog

  • How to Create Your Own Info Products

  • How to Turn PLR Products Into Hot Selling Info Products of Your Own

  • How to Make Money in Affiliate Marketing, Selling Other People's Products

  • How to Use Joint Ventures to Make More Money

Perhaps you've even tried some of the strategies that you've learned in these products.  But most likely, you're still sitting there with an empty bank account.

Does this sound like you?

Don't be discouraged -- it's not your fault!

I blame it on the info product creators themselves.  They've set you up for failure in a big way!

You see, what you've got from all of these products is the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle.  You're sitting there right now with all of the pieces you need to assemble the puzzle completely.  BUT -- you're still missing one huge ingredient ...

What you're missing is the puzzle box!

If you've ever tried to put a puzzle together without looking at the picture you know just how hard this can be.  Can you put the puzzle together without the puzzle box?

Maybe.  But it's going to take you a LOT longer and you're going to get a LOT more gray hair in the process, right?

And if it's one of those ultra-complicated puzzles with 1,000 pieces or more, you'll probably be sitting there next year at this same time with only a small portion of the puzzle assembled.

That's the same thing that's happening to you right now in trying to build your business ...

You're trying to assemble an ultra-complicated jigsaw puzzle that contains 1,000 pieces without having a picture to look at to help guide you!

That's where the DirectionsU Associate Membership comes in ...

It's the puzzle box that you need to build your business!  And, it even includes ALL the Puzzle Pieces as well!

You see, the jigsaw puzzle called "Your Business" really has 5 main pieces in it and a few additional pieces.  The 5 main pieces are each one of the 5 core systems that EVERY business needs.  They are:

  • The Mindset System - This means having a positive mental attitude.  Coming from a place of abundance instead of scarcity.  It also means having a VERY detailed, crystal clear picture of where you want your life and business to be 1 to 3 years from now or 3 to 5 years from now.  Without the right Mindset,  you can do everything else perfectly in your business and still get no results.  But get the Mindset piece right and even if you mess up on everything else you can still get HUGE results!

  • The Relationship Building System - Tthis means using WordPress to build your site so that you can have a conversation with people instead of talking at them and then tying your website to ALL your social media presences where your prospects are already hanging out.

  • The Monetization System - Online, people aren't searching for "stuff" to buy.  They're looking for strangers with experience who can help them solve their problems.  That means that they really want is INFORMATION.  To you that means using Information Products to generate leads (new customers) so that you can then get them to buy ANYTHING else you'd like -- whether that's more information, physical products, memberships, services, affiliate products, etc.

  • The Leveraging System -- Leverage means getting bigger results with less effort in a shorter amount of time.  In your business, "Leverage" comes from using Joint Ventures and Strategic Alliances to get EVERY asset your business needs including products to sell, people to sell them to, traffic to a website, a list of buyers and subscribers.

  • The Traffic & Lead Generation System -- Once you have the first 4 core systems, then everything is about driving more people to your website, getting them onto your list, and then turning them into loyal customers who not only buy over and over again but who also can't help but tell EVERYONE they know about you.  (These people are called "Raving Evangelists".)

In addition to these 5 Core Systems that EVERY business needs in order to be successful, you're going to need just a few more pieces before you can even attempt to put your jigsaw puzzle called "Your Business" together.  These are:

  • Copywriting System - Understanding how people buy and why people buy is critical!  And once you understand what makes people buy and why, having a system that you can use to create your message that ultimately sells your product or gets people to take some action is pretty easy!  CopyWRITING means much more than written words on a page.  It includes videos (after all, the script is simply an example of COPY), oral messages like those in a webinar, and anything else that conveys a message that gets people to take an action.

  • The "Triple Power Play" System - This system incorporates Video Marketing with Webinars and Podcasting to create a truly viral MACHINE that can not just send your hit counters soaring but can also kick-start a relationship that will product life long customers!

Within these 7 "systems" are ALL of the components that together create a VERY successful business! 

Unfortunately, most information products at best give you one of these pieces.  Some don't even give you an entire piece but just one little tiny corner of it.  No wonder why you're not having any success in your business, right?

What if you could find a way to not only get ALL 7 pieces of Your Business's Jigsaw Puzzle PLUS the Puzzle Box PLUS Help Putting Your Puzzle Together?

How much FASTER would you reach the levels of success you want in your business?

How much EASIER would it be to put your business together and get it making your dreams come true? 

Introducing the ALL NEW DirectionsU Associate Membership Program!

the recordings we had just made created a kick-butt, action plan that was duplicatable in ANY business!

This monthly membership program is unlike anything you've ever seen before.  Here's how it works...

Every month, you'll receive either a recorded Workshop PLUS LIVE Q&A Call or a LIVE Workshop PLUS Recordings PLUS a Q&A Call.

Each and every month, the Workshop you receive will be one of the 7 Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces Discussed above. 

At the end of 7 months, the topics will be repeated -- but in an updated format so that you are CONSTANTLY getting the FRESHEST, most Up-To-Date Strategies and Systems for getting the biggest possible results in your business!

Here's what the contents of the next few months look like...


"Directions University's
Mindset Systems Workshop II Virtual Webinar"

LIVE Workshop on April 10th (from 1pm to 6pm eastern) and April 11th (from 9am to 6pm eastern)

Directions University's
"Mindset Systems Workshop II" Virtual Webinar

In all, you'll have access to more than 16+ hours of LIVE Workshop (plus all of it is recorded \from the webinars -- including the mp4 video and audio recordings that are created during the calls)!

Here's the outline of what you'll learn in step-by-step detail ...

MODULE 1 -   “Right Mindset”  (with Gina, Jack, and Cynthia)
Being in the "Right Mindset" is so important to your business.  A focused "Mindset" will hit the mark you are aiming for more easily as well as keep you moving forward when you miss the mark. Why? Because the “Right Mindset”:

  • Identifies Your Purpose and Your Passion

  • It provides you the opportunity to SERVE while strategically monetizing

  • Allows the Universal Laws to conspire to help you become more of who you are, your truth and why that matters

  • Helps you discover Your Legacy and how it serves Your business and your life

MODULE 2 - Goal Setting 101 (With Gina Gaudio-Graves)

  • The 3-Step Goal Setting System

  • Determining What You Want in Life & Business (Long Term Goals)

  • Using Your Long Term Goals to Create Your Mid-Range Goals

  • Using Your Mid-Range Goals to Create Your Short Term Goals

  • Creating and Using Your Goals Journal to Become More Productive and Efficient

  • Visualization for Achieving Your Goals

MODULE 3 - Affirmations, Visualization and the Law of Attraction (With Antonio Thornton)

  • Introduction to Quantum Physics and the Universal Laws

  • What is the Law of Attraction?

  • Using Visualization to Manifest Your Goals

  • Creating Positive Affirmations

  • Creating Your Vision Book

MODULE 4- Serving Mindset vs. Selling Mindset (With Gina, Jack & Cynthia)

  • Why is it Important to Serve and Not Sell?

  • What's the Difference in the Serving Mindset vs. the Selling Mindset?

  • Serving and Prospects

  • Serving and Customers

  • Serving and JV Partners

  • Abundant Mentality vs. Scarcity Mindset

MODULE 5 - Living a Life Filled With Abundant Positivity (With Chief Robert & Terri TallTree)

  • The 3 Arrows of Power and What They Mean to Your Life & Business

  • The Native American Medicine Wheel and How it Can Help You Align Your Mind, Body, Spirit, and Emotion

MODULE 6 - Your Personality Style & Values (With Ken Kies)

  • Working in Your Brilliances

  • Examining How Your Style & Values Affects Your Results

  • Using Your Style and Values to Become Efficient & Productive

  • Improving Your Communication With Others Using Your Personality Style

MODULE 7 - Your Money Mindset (With Chief Robert & Terri TallTree)

  • How Your Thoughts Create Your Life!

  • Money as an Expression of Gratitude

  • Attract Everything You've Always Dreamed Of - Money, People, Things, Health, etc.

  • The Role of Your Purpose & Passion in Your Success

MODULE 8 - Mindset Shifts in Your Business (With Gina, Jack & Cynthia)

  • Identifying Why You Aren't Getting Results (YET!)

  • Overcoming Unconscious Beliefs and Fears that Are Holding You Back

  • Mindset for Traffic Generation & Customer Acquisition

  • Mindset for Product Creation


At the end of each day, a few lucky participants will get to Unmute and work 1 on 1 with the Faculty to build their plan for applying everything you've learned in their business!

BONUS!  Two weeks later we'll even get back together for a very special Follow-Up Webinar for 2 hours.  And every second of that call will also be recorded in mp4 video format and mp3 audio format so that you can refer to it anytime that you'd like!

Future months will be announced at least 30 days in advance.  The current schedule includes:

  • May  2014 - Recorded Traffic Systems Workshop & Recorded Social Media Workshop

  • June  2014 - LIVE Publishing Your Book Workshop I

  • July 2014 - LIVE Traffic Systems Workshop II

  • August 2014 - Recorded Blog Systems Workshop II and III

  • September 2014 - LIVE Blog Systems Workshop IV

  • October 2014 - Recorded Copywriting Systems Workshop

  • November 2014 - LIVE Copywriting Systems Workshop II

  • December 2014 - Recorded Video Marketing & Webinar Systems Workshop


When you join right now, you'll also get a TON of bonuses that are worth well more than your first month's tuition!  These include:

"BONUS #1:  Barbeque Marketing - Strategic Planning for Maximum Success"

  1. 3 Audios -- a total of 6 hours of Strategic Business Building Information that's laid out in a step-by-step fashion.  Just follow along and duplicate each step for your own business and you'll have a sure-fire Strategic Plan that will ensure the success of your business!

  2. "Finding Your Greatest Potential" Report - this goal setting report will help you assess your passions and determine what it is that you really want in both life and business.  Without knowing what it is that you really want, you can't move forward in building a plan that will get you there.  (Freshly updated just a few weeks ago!)

  3. Entrepreneurial Four Leaf Clover - what kind of business will you build?  Who will you target?  In other words -- what niche will you be in?  It's important that you build your business around your passions.  Otherwise you won't have the expertise to be successful and others won't perceive you as an influencer or an expert.  Use this chart to help you determine what your potentially profitable passions really are.

  4. Profit Funnel Flowchart -- follow along with the Profit Funnel Flowchart so that you can build this same system into your own business

  5. Traffic Sources Worksheet -- use this Excel Spreadsheet to figure out exactly how many visitors you need to reach your sales goal and put together a plan that will help you get there every time

  6. Target Market Worksheet & Finding Gold Worksheet - use the Finding Gold Worksheet & the Target Market Worksheet to research your own target market and put together the plan for how you will reach them and what you will sell to them to make money in your business

  7. Flowchart Everything Flowchart -- You can't build a Strategic Action plan without flowcharting the business, the website, and everything else.  So we're including this "Flowchart Everything" worksheet to make it crystal clear on how you design your own Strategic Action Plan.


"BONUS #2 - LIFETIME ACCESS to 30-Day IM Challenge GOLD Membership (soon to become the "Motivation to Profit Membership)"

This 30-Day Action Plan contains more than 17+ Lessons, more than 750+ pages, to help you:

  • Put together your Goals & Strategic Plan,

  • Create Your Success Mindset,

  • Choose Your Target Market,

  • Build  Your Profit Funnel,

  • Create or Locate Products to Sell,

  • Set Up Your Web Presence in the Form of a WordPress Blog,

  • Use a Simple 6-Step Process to Bring in 1,000 to 5,000 Unique Visitors Per Day,

  • Build Relationships with Your Prospects Strategically,

  • and much more!

As a Gold Member you'll not only have access to all of the Lessons to read in the Member's Area, you'll also get all of the Lessons in downloadable PDF format, and you'll get access to 4 LIVE Weekly Calls (as well as mp3 recordings from each one!) to help you implement all that you learn! 

Details at:  http://www.askggg.com/30days and http://www.askggg.com/goldupgrade

"BONUS #3 - Complimentary 1 on 1 Strategy Session"

You'll also get a Complimentary Strategy Session of your own!  That way you'll get our help in building your own Strategic Action Plan!


As you'll notice, we haven't taken the time to make everything all pretty and attractive.  There are no pretty graphics for the audios, no covers for the reports, worksheets, checklists, etc.  But that doesn't mean that the information that you'll get inside this package isn't top notch!

We simply felt that it was more important to get this information to you quickly than it was to take months to put together the right graphics, a gorgeous sales letter, etc.

That's why we've decided to offer this to you at an Introductory Special Tuition right now!  That means that fright now, you can join the ALL NEW DirectionsU Associate Community for just... $97/per month!

And, while we're being crazy about this your tuition will be locked in at just $97 each month FOREVER!

Each of the Recorded Workshops included with your monthly membership previously sold for $247 EACH!  So why would we let you them for less than 60% of their regular retail?

Well, here's the deal ...

First off, my partner, Jack Humphrey, and I really want to help YOU succeed!  So we wanted to make this as affordable as possible.  That's why you can enroll right now at the special IntroductoryTuition of just $97 per month (even though the regular tuition is $197 per month).  But, this special Introductory Tuition will not be there forever so enroll now and lock in your $1,200 per year discount!

Give Your Business the "Kick" That It Needs to Start Getting RESULTS ASAP!

Make payments with PayPal - it is fast, free and secure!


We're looking forward to meeting you personally on the upcoming Monthly Q&A Calls and the Weekly GOLD Challenge Calls (the GOLD calls take place in a webinar each week on Wednesdays at 4pm eastern so mark your calendar!)!

To Your Abundant Online Success,

Gina Gaudio-Graves
Dean & Founder, DirectionsU.com
Creator, 30DayIMChallenge.com